Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oh the Events 2012.....

Yes I'm guilty again, but it's time to catch-up again, and I really got behind this time. Call it the Queen's laziness, but I think I need to make sure we get our "15 minutes of fame" here on the net. I'm hoping all you Reds will make additions to the entries, I would love for your comments. Express yourself. One of the problems with the events I'm about to list is that I don't have any pictures, so let's bring those cameras out. We have a great group, even though some are a rare sighting, we are still 25 approximately and almost 8 years strong. Sisters for sure now. In 2012..... August Event - Brunch at the Mill Street Brewery August 19th. Great food and wonderful company. http://ottawa.millstreetbrewpub.ca/ September Event - Mad Hatter Tea Party Cornwall Mess Hall- September 13th, noon There were only a few of us but we had a blast. This party was full of games, prizes, fun, everyone did so well. Such a great gathering of Red Hatters from all over, loved it. October Event - Tea at Moorside, Mackenzie King Estates. October 14th, rainy but so nice in the cottage once used by the former Prime Minister, very elegant and great food. November Event - Red Hat Night at the Races November 8th, Rideau Carleton Raceway, hundreds turn out annually for this great event. December Event - Christmas on the Farm December 16th at Strathmere Old Fashion Country Christmas This was our Xmas exchange party held in a beautiful cabin, but the wind was blowing too hard and cold to do the hay ride. The food was unbelievable, roast beef & pancakes for breakfast, how wonderful!