Friday, February 25, 2011

February Event - Mama Mia Singalong

We had a blast at the Family Cinema's Mama Mia's singalong. It's an interactive presentation where we got to sing, dance, cry, laugh & blow bubbles. We, of course are always in dress, but we weren't alone this night as all kinds of people, young and old wore costumes of the characters, and loved the music of ABBA. I loved it, as I had never seen the movie, but I am now humming the tunes all the time. Very entertaining and fun.

We welcome 2011 w/ Brunch @ Brookstreet Hotel

Our January event took us to the 5-star Brooke Street Hotel, in Kanata. It was simply marvelous, oh the food!!!! Even the beautiful set-up was so elegant. I sometimes can't believe the commotion our hats have. As we were being impressed by our surrounding, the owner Terry Matthews. was completely impressed with our hats and paid us a nice visit. We were treated like royality, weren't we.

I'm getting these postings done as we are on the verge of our next event (tonight)...the Mama Mia Sing-a-long. I can't wait!!! See you there girls...

xo QJJ

Happy Hatting at Christmas

Dancing Danie, our fearless (and very talented) Vice Queen and Teacher of dance.
Old Bat's Pledge to the RHS

Oh, I know the date of this entry is late February and I'm just getting around to posting about our Christmas!!! It was sensational. Great food, wonderful friends, dancing, games, gifts and more. We were blessed with 5 new members who have come to join the fun. Everyone's contributions to the meal were delicious.

Line dancing was a hoot, and very well done by all I must say.
Games were funny, and you got to eat the cookie!!

When I first started the RRRs I was very fortunate to receive emails from other Queen's on how to start a chapter, one particular one had it all. So from that I got the idea about each member having their own title (we all can't be Queen) and the other was The Old Bat's Pledge as shown above. Now mind you, this is the first time I have had everyone do it, as we usually are in public places!!! Usually just the hats are overwhelming for people.

So repeat after me.....

(with one hand on hip and one hand on hat)

I do lightheartedly swear on my hat
That I will do my best to uphold
The spirit of the Red Hat Society
With an Old Bat Hattitude.

God Bless you all,
Queen Jezie-bel Jane