Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 10th, 2011 - Company of Fools Production of Anthony & Cleopatra

OMG, I'm finally up to date!!! Good my dogs are asking for attention through all this typing. I think one of them thinks Iève been penalized and put in the corner to stare at this box Ièm using. So cute...ok back to RRR stuff. There were not many of us, but we did enjoy the play. This troup of actors does this all summer long in many parks, so the one we saw was at Mooney's Bay. I am amazed at how well done this was, with a wonderful twist of humour in it. Weather prevailing, we made it through and enjoyed the 90 play. So no pics for this one, but keep your eye out for them next summer.

July 31st - Tea on the Lawn at Billings Estate

Ok, so we went from the very wet June to a very hot July. Last year we did this but we had to have tea inside, so I'm so glad we got to enjoy the garden this tim, even though it was very hot and humid. Look at those legs Ladies. Are we not beautiful....oh yeah! It's a very quiant (how do you spell that word) place to spend have tea with friends. Oh the things we talk about are so much fun. The Billings Estate has alot to offer, check it out on the web. As you are reading this, please feel free to add what you remember from each event too. I would love to see your great comments.

June 24th, Hats! The Musical

This was a great little play inspired by the stories experiences and mission of the Red Hat Society. Acknowledging women of our age, the feeling of change and the greatness of what we have. Exception for the horrible weather, the evening was very good. It was held in a small theatre at Ashbury College, and put on by Suzart Productions. Unfortunatley pictures were not allowed, so now visual effects this time.

May 15, 2011. Breakfast @ Lord Elgin for Tulip Festival

Ok I'm on a roll now and up to May's event. We were to tip-toe through the tulips, but unfortunately it was raining so most just had breakfast. But those beaming face of yours makes any day shine. As we all finished a great breakfast ( we do love to eat, don't we!) only a few of us ventured on to Majors Hill park to view some of the things going on, very cultural stuff. Here is a picture of us with the Royal Wedding Tulip. The tulips were starting to come out after the rain, as they "blooming" well better. Next thing they are all gone and it's summer.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

April 2011 Event - Red Hat Society's and Chapter Birthday

Oh, wow. I did it again, waited to post all the great things our chapter has been doing. First of all, I gotta tell you, I'm a little intimidated with all this computer stuff. New computer, downloads, uploads, searches, places, emails, time - and everytime I go to sit down at the computer my pups decide it's time to go out or play. Oh it's such a hard life!!!NOT.

April 27th, 2011

Villa Lucia

14th RHS Birthday Luncheon and Entertainment

It was fun and funny. A great lunch served to us along with another 200 Red Hatter. Women celebrating our empowerment of having fun. Dancing, singing to all the best tunes sung by Elvis himself - he has now a french accent(only when he spoke), is a slight bit shorter and also sings Sinatra!! But let me tell you, close your eyes and what a great voice. You could see the joy it created for the ladies.

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 26th, 2011 - Fulton's Pancake House & Sugar Bush Unfortunately I wasn`t able to attend this one, much to my disappointment. But I did get some wonderful feedback from Joy... Check out the website for all the fun available there. "Ah Jane, you missed a wonderful outing to Fulton's- perfect weather, good food, great sleigh ride, wonderful company, maple shop with all kinds of maple treats (including hand cream!). And the craft tour in Pakenham was such an added bonus...and Iris and I won the RRRs two door prizes...I missed you, everyone missed you. This was another memorable RRR outing. Thank you. Joy" Well thank you Joy, and I missed everyone too. I wish I had been there. So glad you all enjoyed it. Queen Jane

Friday, February 25, 2011

February Event - Mama Mia Singalong

We had a blast at the Family Cinema's Mama Mia's singalong. It's an interactive presentation where we got to sing, dance, cry, laugh & blow bubbles. We, of course are always in dress, but we weren't alone this night as all kinds of people, young and old wore costumes of the characters, and loved the music of ABBA. I loved it, as I had never seen the movie, but I am now humming the tunes all the time. Very entertaining and fun.

We welcome 2011 w/ Brunch @ Brookstreet Hotel

Our January event took us to the 5-star Brooke Street Hotel, in Kanata. It was simply marvelous, oh the food!!!! Even the beautiful set-up was so elegant. I sometimes can't believe the commotion our hats have. As we were being impressed by our surrounding, the owner Terry Matthews. was completely impressed with our hats and paid us a nice visit. We were treated like royality, weren't we.

I'm getting these postings done as we are on the verge of our next event (tonight)...the Mama Mia Sing-a-long. I can't wait!!! See you there girls...

xo QJJ

Happy Hatting at Christmas

Dancing Danie, our fearless (and very talented) Vice Queen and Teacher of dance.
Old Bat's Pledge to the RHS

Oh, I know the date of this entry is late February and I'm just getting around to posting about our Christmas!!! It was sensational. Great food, wonderful friends, dancing, games, gifts and more. We were blessed with 5 new members who have come to join the fun. Everyone's contributions to the meal were delicious.

Line dancing was a hoot, and very well done by all I must say.
Games were funny, and you got to eat the cookie!!

When I first started the RRRs I was very fortunate to receive emails from other Queen's on how to start a chapter, one particular one had it all. So from that I got the idea about each member having their own title (we all can't be Queen) and the other was The Old Bat's Pledge as shown above. Now mind you, this is the first time I have had everyone do it, as we usually are in public places!!! Usually just the hats are overwhelming for people.

So repeat after me.....

(with one hand on hip and one hand on hat)

I do lightheartedly swear on my hat
That I will do my best to uphold
The spirit of the Red Hat Society
With an Old Bat Hattitude.

God Bless you all,
Queen Jezie-bel Jane